Mittelerde PBM

Top 50 Herr der Ringe

Guidelines for Submission

Due to the volume of submissions and the great demands on my time, I ask that all submissions to ETEP be preformatted in Rich Text Format (RTF).

If you would rather submit your article in HTML format, that is perfectly acceptible and in some ways preferable.

Anytime an article is modified and resubmitted to me I have to go in and insert the HTML by hand. This is a time drain that I would like to avoid in the future. Thanks for your understanding.


Lonely Island
{Note: The number of "=" signs beneath "Lonely Island" is equal to the number of characters in that line. This markup denotes a Title.}

Jack Lang

(A brief description of the article. This is not optional.)

Section Title
{Note: The number of "-" signs beneath "Section Title" is equal to the number of characters in that line. This markup denotes a Subhead. Subheads are not optional.}

Also called ~Tol Eressëa~ in the fairy speech. The Gnomes called it ~Dor Faidwen~, i.e. the Land of Release [1]_. The origin of the word ~Eressëa~ is not known but it means "lonely." etc. etc. etc.

.. _[1] Note: "1. HME Vol. 1 p. 13"

You get the idea...

If you have an questions about article format, I will be preparing a new version of this site soon.


  • Hob. = The Hobbit
  • LOTR = The Lord of the Rings (the parts may be designated with roman numerals, e.g. The Return of the King would be LOTR III)
  • Sil. = The Silmarillion
  • UT = The Unfinished Tales
  • HME = The History of Middle-Earth ed. by Christopher T.
  • TR = The Tolkien Reader (perhaps it would be best to refer separately to the stories contained in this work since they appear in various editions)
  • Let. = The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien
  • Bio. = Tolkien by Humphrey Carpenter

Critical works will be referred to by the full last name of the author, e.g. Robley Evans' J.R.R. Tolkien will be simply Evans. The exception is Kocher's books:The Master of Middle-Earth and The Reader's Guide to the Silmarillion. They will be referred to as MME and RGS respectively. If there are other exceptions let me know.

Wolfgang G. Wettach, ETEP Editor
The Tolkien Encyclopedia
The Electronic Tolkien Encyclopedia Project
Project Proposal

Last modified: 22 September 2000
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